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Gnome Sweet Gnome
Gnomes of all shapes and sizes live side-by-side in perfect harmony in the tiny town of Gnomesville
Words and Images by: PRUE AND COLIN KERR W7817

These little gnomes may be small, but they’re no pushover

When you wander down the street and see astronauts, beach bums, buskers, balloonists, cricketers, musicians, hunters, pilots, caravanners, gardeners and more, all within a few hundred metres of each other, you quickly realise that you’ve arrived in a most unusual and special little town.

Yes, believe it or not, this is the scene which awaits visitors to Gnomesville, a small, shy little community, hidden away in Ferguson Valley, inland from Bunbury in Western Australia’s south-west. Each of the residents here is a gnome with his or her own  background and story to tell. This might all sound like a fairy tale from the bottom of the garden, but this place really does exist, and it is recognised as the fastest growing town in Australia.

It all started a number of years back when a new roundabout was being built near the old timber town of Wellington Mill. It seems there was a good deal of local controversy over the cost effectiveness of constructing a roundabout where three minor roads join in a quiet area way out in the countryside.

Quite mysteriously, one night an unknown resident placed a gnome at the intersection as a tongue-in-cheek protest, to keep a gnome’s-eye-view of the workers, and to keep a check on the building progress. It seems that this overseeing gnome then enlisted the help of others, and under the cover of darkness quite a few more gnomes came out of the woods to check on the roundabout.

By the time construction works had been completed, the overseeing gnomes, now relieved of their job, had formed themselves into two football teams, and for some time went about playing a game in the centre of the new roundabout.

News of the big game apparently spread and progressively more gnomes began to arrive. By the  time summer arrived, a cricket match was also under way. With the construction work now finished, the sporting gnomes were very fond of their new surroundings and decided to stay. The middle of the roundabout, however, wasn’t ideal for an expanding community, so they moved across the road and began to set up home – and so, the bustling community of Gnomesville began to take shape.

Some residents stayed fairly close to the main town centre, some preferred to live on the outskirts, others along pathways into the bush, some on logs and on fences. Some even decided to climb the trees to live in tree houses, whilst others took up residence down by a stream that runs nearby.

Gnomes living by the waterside

This is not just a bunch of gnomes assuming their standard ‘garden’ position, but it is a real community of little people going about their business and getting on with their lives – with plenty of activity, industry, recreation and parties taking place everywhere you look.

Now attracting plenty of visitors every day of the week, including regular bus loads of tourists, Gnomesville, it seems, is getting busier all the time. News of the almost idyllic lifestyle here for gnomes has well and truly spread and it is reported that hardly a day goes by without more residents moving into town.

Now on the ‘must see’ list for many visitors to the south-west of Western Australia, people are encouraged both to come and have a look around, and even bring a gnome from their part of Australia, or elsewhere around the world. This is indeed a very friendly, multicultural community.

With gnomes now estimated at 8,000 or more and still growing, a wander around Gnomesville is not only a free experience, but it is also a place where you’ll read some very creative puns and have plenty of laughs and giggles. And why wouldn’t you, when you see the little people here with messages and ‘gnome tags’ like ‘Beachgnomer’, ‘Just gnom’n around in a caravan’, ‘Gnomasexual’, ‘Gnome news is good news’, ‘Gnoming old gracefully’, ‘Gnome on the range’, ‘Always away camping – never gnome’, ‘the wandering gnome with “no home to ’gnome to”’.

Gnomes aboard their Jayco motorhome

Around the corner there’s a ‘Gnome for wayward youths’ showing its little bottom, and there is a reminder of the old ‘Gnoman Empire’, as well as a ‘Funeral Gnome’ where some broken and sadly now dead gnome bodies can be seen. Some gnomes have been left in memory of loved ones, some have names on them, some have plaques and verses, and some are simply gathered around in a group having a chat.

By the way, if you’re thinking  that the gnomes here are all male, well, a quick look around reveals in fact there are many girls and ladies in this little community – some in sporting teams, some in gypsy dress, swimming costumes, short skirts, long skirts, nurses, mothers and kids, and of course, there’s Snow White and her seven gnomes. Clearly though, wherever you look, everyone seems very much at gnome in their new surroundings.

Elsewhere, there are plenty of residents still in the workforce, such as those attending to ‘Gnome Improvements’ and ‘Astro-gnomical gnomes’ in a space ship. There are gardeners, carpenters, plumbers and celebrities. There are gnomes in parachutes, some climbing trees, hanging from ropes, flying planes and driving cars, and not to forget the gnome on security duty – he is, of course, a ‘Guard’n Gnome’. There are even law enforcement officers based at the ‘Gnomesville Police Station’ and a couple of ‘shifty looking’ gnomes in a tree above the Police Station claiming to be ‘above the law’! With the Gnomesville Detention Centre not far away, the Gnomesville Shire Council is hard at work around a meeting table, the RAAF has an active base, there are scouts and guides, and the local SES is ready for any gnomergency.

Gnomes in the Gnomesville Detention Centre

Then there are literary gnomes – ‘gnomeo, gnomeo, wherefore art thou, gnomeo’, a ghost writer gnome-de-plume, rock bands like the ‘Rolling Gnomes’, there’s the cast from ‘Gnome and Away’ and the movie ‘Saving Gnomo’, or those that are ‘gnome sick’, ‘the misgnomer’, the one that was never good at ‘gnoman numerals’, a ‘berry grateful gnome’ and, of course, more singing gnomes with such renditions as ‘Gnoming in the Gloaming’, ‘Keep the Gnome Fires Burning’ and amongst many other clever ones, is the tune made famous by John Williamson, ‘Give me a Gnome  Among the Gum Trees’.

Now, don’t think for a moment that the town’s humble beginnings have been forgotten. The whole village still has a clear overseeing view of that controversial roundabout (now Gno-mans-land) and those original footy teams in this very sporting community have now expanded to include a touring cricket team, an old girls’ hockey team, tennis players, golfers like ‘Greg Gnoman’ and more.

Gnomes ‘above the law

Clearly, this is a community with a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, ages, interests, pursuits, beliefs, messages and occupations,  but despite all of this, they seem to have little trouble in living together in perfect harmony. In today’s world such a place is truly worthwhile coming to see.

Down through the ages, gnomes have captured the imagination of children and adults alike, and a visit to Gnomesville is a scene that brings these wonderful little imaginary creatures to life.

When you’re in the area, call in and have a look around – it will be a visit that you’ll long remember. How about ‘liberating’ that gnome boringly sitting in your garden and setting her free in Gnomesville. Yes,  bring a gnome, make a wish and, we are told, the little folk here will make sure it is granted. Remember however, don’t leave your gnome alone – these little people enjoy company, so put your gnome close to some of the others – ‘to gnome one is to love one’, and of course, ‘gnome man is an island’, and also bear in mind ‘there is no place like gnome’.

Be aware, however, that bad luck follows those who steal from the gnomes or hurt them in any way. Yes, the message here is ‘see gnome evil, hear gnome evil and speak gnome evil’.

Visitors Ashleigh and Jayden place a gnome at Gnomesville

Category: Destinations
Written: Mon 01 Apr 2019
Printed: April, 2019
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RV Friendly Towns Nearby

Journey Details

Wellington Mill, Western Australia
-33.464963, 115.910431



Gnomesville is located in the Ferguson Valley, 35km south-east of Bunbury, in the south-west of Western Australia. From the small township of Dardanup follow Dardanup Road and signposts pointing towards Wellington Mill, and closer to the site, Gnomesville signs lead you to ‘the Roundabout’. In Lazy Hollow you can’t miss Gnomesville, approximately 20km from Dardanup. Entry is free. Park in the small car park and enjoy your visit.

The area is maintained by local Wellington Mill residents and the Dardanup Shire. Access is suitable for all vehicles.


To enquire about Gnomesville, phone Bunbury Visitor Centre, 1800 286 287