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Jerilderie: Touring Through Time
Jerilderie is a must-see destination for all lovers of heritage history.
Words and Images by: Amelia Mansell

Jerilderie Lake

Established in 1859, Jerilderie is nestled along the banks of Billabong Creek – which at 321km is the longest creek in the world. The name Jerilderie is the English translation for the local Jeithi Aboriginal Tribe’s word ‘djirridhuray’, which means ‘with reeds’ or ‘reedy place’.


Just 20 years after its founding, Jerilderie gained lasting renown as the first and only NSW town to be held up by the Kelly Gang. Over the course of three days in 1879, the Kelly Gang left an undeniable mark on the town, robbing the bank of more than £2000 and chopping down telegraph poles to ensure no message of the robbery escaped the town. Ned tricked and locked the town’s police officers into their own cells, and held more than 30 people hostage.

A lesser-known fact is that the true purpose of Ned Kelly’s time in this historic town was to publish a document that is now known as ‘The Jerilderie Letter’. The Jerilderie and Urana  Gazette had opened the previous year (1878), and while Ned was ultimately unsuccessful at having it published, this 8000-word document giving his personal account of his actions, highlighting his plight and the corruption of the law is a valuable piece of his and Jerilderie’s history.

A bridge on Horgan Walk


As you tour Jerilderie, you cannot go past The Bolt Exhibition, located with the Old Printery Building (once home to the Jerilderie and Urana Gazette). The exhibition can be accessed via the Jerilderie Library during open hours. Visitors and locals alike can travel back through time and enjoy the extensive historical collection dedicated to convicts and bushrangers. The exhibit features originals and exact replicas and includes 30 story boards and banners detailing the lives of various Australian bushrangers and convicts as well as pistols and guns from the Eureka Rebellion, and much more.

The court house is on the Ned Kelly Raid Trail

Found on Powell Street, the Post and Telegraph Office is a small yet valuable piece of history as the location where Ned Kelly ordered the telegraph poles to be cut down, ensuring no warning of the Kelly Gang’s presence or bank robbery escaped the town.

The Jerilderie Court House is well worth a visit and gained renown for the amusing actions of Dan Kelly. While the gang was on the second of its three-day hold up of the town, Dan escorted Mrs Devine from the prison to the Court House to help her prepare for Sunday mass. The Post and Telegraph Office, and the Jerilderie Court House both have virtual 360 degree tours available; visitors can view the original buildings on their device.

Kelly and his gang wreaked havoc on the town over three days in 1879.


Take a self-guided tour through history with the Ned Kelly Raid Trail 1879; Jerilderie is the only town in NSW that played ‘host’ to the Kelly Gang and has more surviving authentic Kelly sites than anywhere else along the Ned Kelly Touring Route. Maps and information can be found at the Visitor Information Centre.

If anything is to rival Jerilderie’s rich history, it is the beautiful surroundings. Horgan Walk along the Billabong Creek is a  must for all visitors. Leading over footbridges and showcasing the flora and fauna of this tranquil town, sites include Powell’s Bridge, The Willows Homestead and the Post and Telegraph Office.

History buffs will enjoy Jerilderie

To top off this town’s attractions for travelling visitors, the Jerilderie Lake offers a bounty of activities, and day parking for caravans. Sporting a playground and ample caravan day parking, this man-made lake is also a safe water-skiing venue and recreational outlet. Many species of birds can be spotted from the shores, including pelicans, ducks and swans. An all-weather walking/cycling track circles the lake and features a circuit of outdoor exercise equipment that all can enjoy.

Category: Destinations
Written: Sat 01 Oct 2022
Printed: October, 2022
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